Medical Doctor
plastic and reconstructive surgery
Degree in Medicine and Surgery (1988) and specialization in Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (1994) at
the University of Genoa, with honors.
In 2000, training diploma with honors, at the International School of Aesthetic Medicine of Rome
(Fondazione Internazionale Fatebenefratelli). From 1987 to 1991, volunteer doctor at the Division of
Plastic Surgery and Great Burns Center of the Hospital "Villa Scassi" of Genova Sampierdarena.
From 1992 to 2010, 1st-level Medical Director at the Division of Plastic Surgery of the Hospital "Villa
Scassi" of Genova Sampierdarena.
Since 1995 she has worked in private practice in Acqui Terme (AL), Corso Italia 53, and in Genoa in Via
Cantore 40/1. She is a member of the Italian Society of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
(SICPRE), of the Italian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (AICPE); of the Ligurian Association of
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine AGORÀ, of the National Academy
of Medicine (SIME).
She is lecturer and member of the Scientific Committee of the Post-University School of Aesthetic
Medicine of Milan (AGORÀ), at which he held refresher courses on basic surgical techniques for
doctors at which he held refresher courses on basic surgical techniques for aesthetic doctors and holds
monothematic courses on injection techniques.
She published in scientific papers numerous scientific papers on Plastic Surgery. She collaborated in
the writing of some texts of Aesthetic Medicine (“Trattato di Medicina Estetica”, Editor Massirone;
“Complicanze da filler”, Editor Sito, “Le labbra”.Editor Bartoletti-Veraldi); she collaborates with
numerous editorial publications in the field of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery.
She cooperates with numerous editorial publications in the field of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery she
has been attending for several years as speaker and/or - moderator and President to Medical
Congresses of this field. She operates in private practice at Villa Serena clinic (Genoa).